The conveyor belt Eurobelt Series E30 Open Grid is special for product-in-bulk transport on inclined planes in which the use of conventional flights is not possible.

Its slightly projecting transversal bars act as mini-flights that help to elevate and descend the product making easier the transfer. Likewise, it reduces the unloading gap, and avoids the loss of product in the belt return.

These mini-flights reduce the contact surface between the product and the belt. That is why this belt is suitable for processes like fish glazing and transport of frozen fish.

Eurobelt Series E30 Open Grid has a 41% open area which allows an excellent liquid drainage as well as an easy cleaning by applying a blower or pressurized water.

It is manufactured in polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyacetal. These materials observe the International Regulations for their use in food processes

The minimum spacing between the transversal bars is 30 mm, but it can be increased in multiples of 30 mm.

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